22-28 November 2021
The weekly astro-oracle is a theriomancic message:
Turkey Spirit
Image credit: American Wild Turkey, Crested Curassow, Galeated Curassow, and Red Curassow from A history of the earth and animated nature (1820) by Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774). Digitally enhanced from the original edition by rawpixel.com.
What is theriomancy? Theriomancy or zoomancy is a form of divination that involves observation of the appearance and behavior of wild animals. Common forms of theriomancy include ailuromancy, the study of cat movements, and augury, the study of bird formations. While augury appears to be more fixed than other systems of divination, with some sources going as far as to interpret the direction of the birds’ flight, calls, and times of day, individual animal totem or spirit animals also have rich symbolism, which can be accessed by tuning into the oversoul of the animal.
I asked Spirit, what do all those who frequent this page need to know this week to stay in alignment with the highest good? Then, while I was out for a drive with my family, just days before the Thanksgiving holiday, I noticed not one but eight wild turkeys. How appropriate that the collective noun for this spirit animal is “gobble!” Since turkey is commonly associated with gratitude and abundance for there to be eight is a further numerological confirmation of these qualities, for good things are thought to come in eights.
Proffering the potential for manifesting a rich reality, Turkey represents generosity and a celebration of abundance through giving to others. “Give freely without expectation and you shall receive,” writes oracle card extraordinaire Colette Baron-Reid; “Align with it by sharing your good fortune with others, whether you give money, loving guidance, the gift of listening, or kindness in any form.” By immersing ourselves in the generous flow of abundance, we align with the desire of Spirit to see all beings experience the blessing of plenty: “Give with gratitude and grace, from a wellspring of love and compassion, knowing that Spirit will respond by giving you all that you need in this moment and all moments to come!”
As we start the week we’re still in the Eclipse Doorway of opportunity, a two-week portal of accelerated life movement that will greatly advance our authentic life path and purpose. Revered since ancient times, eclipses are one of the most catalyzing, life-improving cosmic events. Affecting everyone equally regardless of our level of awakening or ascension, eclipses push us to change for our highest good. As we near Saturday, December 4’s New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, according to Australian cosmologist Elizabeth Peru, “the Eclipse Doorway [continues] to offer daily opportunities to map out and to implement a new, higher-vibrational way of living.”
Starting Tuesday, November 23, the Sun, followed by Mercury lines up with the South Node of the Moon. During this two-day influence, “our Ego (Sun) and our Mind (Mercury) meet the karmic point of least resistance (South Node) in the sign of wisdom (Sagittarius)” explains astrosofa.com. While the recent Lunar Eclipse has encouraged a spirit of ‘letting it go,’ the source points out that ‘letting it be’ is a more fitting motto for this South Node conjunction because it compels us to “acknowledge what is otherwise an unquestionable truth–what is meant to be, will be; what is meant to unfold will unfold!”
Peru adds that the Sun influences our level of personal awareness, helps us instinctively navigate any familiar challenges with great ease and less uncertainty. We may even be called to start a new adventure at this time, perhaps one more aligned with our soul’s purpose. Indeed, we may feel like breaking free, taking the road less traveled and liberating ourselves from old restrictive ways. “You’re seeing the light, and that there can be another way ahead,” the source emphasizes with Turkey Spirit; "as possibilities now open up, follow into them—more than one path is available to you now!”
On Wednesday, November 24, Mercury joins the Sun in Sagittarius, and the mood brightens. While in detriment in this sign, Mercury is the planet of unfiltered perception, explains astrobutterfly.com; whereas Sagittarius is not the most unbiased sign of the zodiac. Ruled by expansive Jupiter, however, the good thing about Sagittarius is that it is biased towards optimism! Astrosofa.com adds that when Mercury is in Sagittarius, we can express ourselves faster and more accurately. There may be a greater interest in philosophical and spiritual matters. We strive for freedom, and we show this fact in how we formulate our thoughts. The ideal is now more important to us than experience.
With the approach of the halfway point of the Eclipse Doorway and Mercury now in Sagittarius, Peru observes “global energy intensifies and communication receives a boost. You could find that a turnaround in your thinking and behavior now manifests.” Mercury is aiding our ability to be openly honest in a heart-felt and compassionate way. In particular, authenticity is appealing to us greatly—“perhaps you’re seeking your feelings, words and actions all to be in alignment?” Indeed, as we near next week’s New Moon Solar Eclipse, we’re now being urged to act on our innovative insights brought in by the first Lunar Eclipse. “Do your work now and you’ll be rewarded,” is the recommendation of Peru and Turkey Spirit encourage.
Finally, on Sunday, November 28, the conjunction between Mercury and the Sun is now exact in Sagittarius. Providing intense mental energy, good concentration, memory, and rhetorical skills, we also appreciate art, languages, and literature. According to astrobutterfly.com, we are already in the midst of the Sun-Mercury cycle that was initiated October 9, when Mercury was Retrograde in Gemini. Now that Mercury and the Sun meet again in Sagittarius on the opposite side of the Gemini axis, we enter the Full Mercury phase of the cycle, whereby we reap what we have sown. What’s more is the conjunction is positively aspected by a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius. This meaning that our hard work will eventually pay off. ‘Good things do come to those who wait!’ proclaim the source and Turkey Spirit.
Especially with Mercury and Sun still in an orb with the South node in Sagittarius and the upcoming eclipse in this same sign, our soul’s purpose becomes activated. “Be present and honor your path,” advices Peru; “the destiny of your soul unfolds, as you move along your path, doing the work that you innately [‘just know’] you came to Earth [to do].” Indeed, the source reminds us that the soul’s nature is expressive and unlimited, urging us to express ourselves through our passions, creating new opportunities in every moment. ‘As the day begins, act as if you’re already living your highest good, and watch the path unfold!’ says Turkey Spirit.
Get Inspired
Does this message resonate? Tell us more in the comments below. To add more detail to your week, you can also try your own theriomancic draw. Set an intention or ask a question. Then let go, and see what animal comes shows up. Now research its animal spirit symbolism. How does the symbolism inform your question? Want help interpreting what you found? Book a reading with me now, www.readingsbytheladyofshalott.com/services.